At-Home Pbm Led Therapy
For our patients, also to maintain the benefits obtained, we offer LED devices with red and infrared light (NIR) for at-home treatment, following laser and/or acupuncture sessions, through which the effect of photobiomodulation (PBM) is achieved. The patient, their family members or nurses will be trained to use the devices at home.
PBM stands for PhotoBioModulation (biomodulation through light), which involves the application of red and infrared light, inducing photochemical effects on the body, useful for treating many diseases and disorders.
Some important effects of PBM include:
• Increased tissue oxygenation, useful for tissue repair processes (wounds, ulcers, trauma, inflammation).
• Collagen production, with increased tissue elasticity (useful in treating scars, aesthetic applications and skin diseases such as dermatitis).
•Repair of damaged muscle fibers (muscle contractures, trigger points, muscle recovery).
•Regulation of inflammation markers with anti-inflammatory effects (arthritis, osteoarthritis, tendonitis).
• Promotes nerve and cartilage regeneration and plays a role in bone repair.
•Activates the lymphatic system.