Schulung Und Workshops

Referenten aus nationalen und internationalen Universitäten und Institutionen.

Wir bieten Schulungskurse für die Anwendung von Laser- und LED-Geräten in Zusammenarbeit mit Experten von Universitäten, Institutionen und internationalen Verbänden an. (Einige Kurse sind auch für Patienten, die das Thema vertiefen möchten, geeignet).

Kurse und Workshops

THE PBM (Photobiomodulation) Workshop with James and Karen Carroll

Hotel Lago Maggiore, Locarno, Switzerland
21-22 Marzo 2025

Ticinolaser Study Club is proud to announce a one and a half day PBM Workshop with James Carroll, the founder of Thor Lasers and his wife Karen Carroll, a professional Osteopath, both eminent professional experts in Photobiomodulation PBM. The aim is to introduce you more deeply into the variety of indications of PBM therapy also in combination with Cranio therapy.

Workshop Friday and Saturday incl. Lunch on Saturday and Coffee Breaks
CHF 550.—

Workshop Saturday incl. Lunch and Coffee Breaks
CHF 490.—

If you wish to participate please send a mail to to confirm if you would like to attend the the whole Worksop or just Day 2 on Saturday.

Language: English

Location: Hotel Lago Maggiore, Viale Verbano 25, 6600 Locarno Muralto, phone +41 91 601 18 00

Special room rates for our participants: 20% off the published prices on the hotel website with the promotional code “Ticinolaser2025” at booking time

Read the speakers' CVs

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    Vergangene Kurse und Workshops

    Locarno, 29-30 Novembre 2024
    Photoacupuncture Workshop The Updated
